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Vision Day and Night


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Vision Day and Night Product

  • Helps maintain healthy eyes*
  • Supports special pigments that help eyes work their best: Lutein and zeaxanthin for the macular pigment and anthocyanin (from cranberry) to help make rhodopsin, the “night vision pigment.*
  • Proanthocyanidins (from cranberry) are flavonoids with antioxidant effects that help support and protect the blood vessels in the eye.*
  • Keeps your optic nerve strong and limits the amount of the alcohol, sorbitol produced in your eyes*
  • Gives you eight special ingredients for optimum vision: Aztec marigold, cranberry, calendula, alpha lipoic acid, eyebright, quercetin, magnesium, and blakeslea trispora.*

It turns out that simple changes to your lifestyle – like more exercise and quitting smoking – can make significant differences in how well you can see as you grow older. And when it comes to nutrition, our eye health supplement Vision Day and Night combines eight nutrients to help your eyes stay healthy. This special eye-nourishing formulation draws on traditional wisdom and healthy phytonutrients to fuel your eyes and sustain them.*

Vision Day and Night puts together an innovative blend of ingredients; Aztec marigold, cranberry, calendula, alpha lipoic acid, eyebright, quercetin, magnesium, and blakeslea trispora, specifically shown to do a world of good for your eyes. Support your vision from the inside out. With this special eye health supplement and formulation you can enjoy the freedom that good vision brings.*


Ingredients: Aztec marigold extract (20% zeaxanthin), Cranberry extract (25% proanthocyanidins), Calendula extract (10% lutein), DL-Alpha-Lipoic acid, Eyebright extract, Quercetin, Magnesium citrate, Blakeslea trispora.

Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)

known as the “universal antioxidant.” ALA has long been celebrated by nutritionists for two reasons: 1. It is soluble in both fat and water so your body can use it in different kinds of reactions; and 2. It regenerates other antioxidants, like vitamin C, vitamin E, glutathione and coenzyme Q10. ALA brings its antioxidant power to protecting your eyes in several ways. Clinical research confirms that ALA is good for your eyes. In one multi-center, placebo-controlled clinical trial, participants experienced improvements in eye health thanks to daily supplementation with ALA. The participants who supplemented with ALA experienced as much as 3 times the improvement eye health as compared to participants who didn’t supplement with ALA.*

Lutein and zeaxanthin:

Lutein and zeaxanthin are two special beta-carotenes concentrated in your eye. Together, they form what’s called the macular pigment. The macular pigment is a yellow spot on your retina that marks the point where you can see the sharpest. But it may thin out with age. Some research shows that when lutein and zeaxanthin combine their antioxidant power, they create a special antioxidant synergy. The two together makes them exponentially more effective in quenching dangerous free radicals.*
While lutein and zeaxanthin seem to play a special role in eye health, there are over 50 different beta-carotenes we use in our body, in particular for eye health. For this reason, Bell Lifestyle Vision Night & Day includes an additional mix of beta-carotenes to ensure that all bases are covered.*

Magnesium citrate:

Magnesium citrate seems to make a difference. One small clinical trial suggested that supplementation with magnesium can make a difference in optic nerve health. However, how magnesium helps is unclear. While researchers speculate that it may have to do with magnesium’s role in supporting blood pressure in the normal range, the mechanism has not been identified.*


Long used as an eyewash, this flower has also been used internally to help your eyes relax and recover from too much eye strain.*


Suggested Use: Adults: Take 1 capsule, twice daily with food.


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