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PMS Cambo

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PMS Combo

  • Supports healthy hormonal balance*
  • Helps maintain healthy stress levels.*
  • Supports a healthy nervous system.*
  • Provides antioxidants.*
  • Experience joy again!*

During premenstruation, many women experience symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, also known as PMS. PMS symptoms vary from woman to woman, but they often include emotional symptoms like anxiety and irritability. Physical symptoms like fatigue, bloating, and discomfort are also likely to occur due to hormonal imbalance.*

PMS Combo was created to help support these common PMS symptoms and insure healthy hormonal balance naturally. It is specially formulated with time honored herbs and vitamin B6 to benefit women with menstrual tensions, mood swings and mild anxiety. *

Vitamin B6, also known as Pyridoxine, is necessary for amino acid, carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Due to this importance, vitamin B6 promotes proper breakdown of starches and sugars. It is also particularly good for stress levels and supports the entire nervous system.*

Another herb in this incredible formula is Chaste Tree, also known as vitex agnus-castus or just vitex. Chaste Tree is native to the Mediterranean and has been used since ancient times as a women’s remedy. It has become a traditional herb in Europe, used for supporting the female reproductive system. Jamaica Dogwood is also added in this PMS Supplement to provide rich isoflavones, tannins and beta-sitosterol. Historically, Jamaica dogwood was used for nervous tension, trouble sleeping and feminine support. As you can imagine, this herb is great for stress levels.*

It is hard to be yourself during premenstruation. Don’t let PMS prevent you from being your natural self, try PMS Support today!*


Ingredients:Chaste tree extract (fruit), Jamaica dogwood extract (bark), Yeast extract, Anise extract (seed), Passionflower extract (aerial parts), Vitamin B6, Damiana extract (leaf), Raspberry extract (leaf), Wild yam extract (root), Cramp bark extract (bark).


Suggested Use: Adult Women: Take 1-2 capsules per day.

1 review for PMS Cambo

  1. admin


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