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Hair Formula for Men and Women


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Hair Formula for Men and Women

  • For men and women*
  • Unique blend of select botanical extracts and vitamins for hair*
  • Fortified with biotin and bioactive silica*
  • Nourishes follicles with natural compounds*
  • Supports healthy natural hair growth and maintenance*
  • Optimizes thick, full, glossy and lustrous hair*
If you`re among the millions of adults seeking natural nutritional support for healthy hair, Natural Superior Hair Formula is the perfect formula to make you look and feel your best.*
Natural Superior Hair Formula unites biotin and silica with choice botanical extracts backed by centuries of traditional wellness practices. Some amazing herbs and vitamins for hair within this masterful formula include: Fo-ti extract, fenugreek extract, stinging nettle extract, and more!*
Give your scalp the nourishment it needs to promote the growth of thick, lustrous, healthy hair! The end result is more compliments and less worry about having thinning unhealthy hair.*

Ingredients: Fo-ti extract (root), Fenugreek extract (seed), Beta-sitosterol (Phytosterol), Bamboo extract (stem), Stinging nettle extract (leaf), Rosemary extract (leaf), Biotin (Vitamin B7).

Fo-ti (Polygonum Multiflorum): Called “He Shou Wu” by the Chinese and prized as a blood tonic in their traditional wellness practices, fo-ti is an herb that is believed to carry many healthy aging properties, and is often used to maintain youthful hair color. Research suggests that its extract may promote natural hair growth in resting hair follicles, and helps to modulate enzymatic actions that may affect hair growth.*

Stinging nettle: Since ancient times, stinging nettle has been used to optimize hair growth by supporting healthy blood flow and encouraging nutrient delivery to the scalp. Research suggests that stinging nettle root extract may help to modulate enzymes that have been linked to hair problems in men.*

Fenugreek: Renowned among Chinese and Indian health traditions, fenugreek seed contains an alkaloid called trigonellic acid that plays a role in the maintenance of hair, skin and nail health.*

Biotin: Occurring naturally in produce such as romaine lettuce, tomatoes and carrots, biotin is a “beautifying” B vitamin that promotes healthy natural hair growth and supports healthy skin and nails.*

Rosemary: Not just a Mediterranean cooking spice, rosemary has a long-heralded traditional use as a “hair tonic.” It is said to optimize blood circulation to the scalp, keeping hair follicles well-nourished. Early research has suggested rosemary may promote healthy growth in those with hair problems.*


Suggested Use: Adults: Take 2 capsules per day.


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