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Colon Care & Cleanse


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Colon Care & Cleanse

  • Helps you feel energized and healthy from the inside out.*
  • Supports colon care and health.*
  • When used in combination with diet and exercise, may help you manage weight.*
  • Supports colon probiotic bacteria health.*
  • Makes it comfortable and easy to go to the bathroom, thanks to two special kinds of fiber.*
  • Supports healthy cell replication in the colon, thanks to selenium.*
  • Antioxidant rich.*
  • Toning and cleansing properties.*
Constipated or low on energy? Struggling to get active and manage weight? When you do a colon cleanse for weight loss you may find it does much more. Taking good care of your colon can revitalize every inch of you. Your colon is not the most glamorous part of the body. Nonetheless, your quality of life may depend upon its health.*
Your colon is a dynamic system, as cells and probiotic bacteria work closely together to help your body extract water from food waste and cleanse itself of toxins. When your colon’s not working well, garbage builds up inside of you. Instead of being expelled out of you, toxins end up seeping back into the bloodstream. In this nasty environment, the healthy microbial culture your colon depends on starts to shift out of balance. As this toxic stew grows inside of you, your colon swells to contain it. In effect, your colon cells suffer, which can translate to bloating and low energy. In contrast, when your colon is working well, your whole body works better and your waistline shrinks. This is why when people start taking better care of their colon, they feel better and more energized. As an added bonus, your skin and hair take on a new life.*
Colon Care & Cleanse gives your colon a special set of nutrients. Colon Care & Cleanse gives you fiber, guar gum and pectin. Animal studies show this type of fiber may help keep inflammation at healthy levels and support healthy replication of colon cells. We’ve also included Vitamin D3, indispensable for your immune system. Vitamin D3 seems to play a role in both keeping your immune cells sharp and active. It also helps support a healthy and balanced inflammatory response.*
Ingredients: Turmeric extract (root), Quercetin (from Japanese sophora) (bud), Green tea extract (polyphenols) (leaf), Green tea extract (EGCG) (leaf), Japanese knotweed extract (root), Guar (seed), Indole-3-carbinol, Pectin (from apple), Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), Selenium.
Suggested Use: Adults: Take 2 capsules, twice daily.


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